Come Sit With Us

Do You Give Too Much Of A F*ck?

Chess Victory, Minnie Phipps, Lydia Rodford Season 1 Episode 6

Do you fnid yourself seeking approval from others above yourself? This weeks episode is a VERY special one that includes a SURPRISE announcement that even the CSWU girls didn't see coming! Often we find ourselves run down, with little time to ourselves and maybe a lighter bank balance because we feel we need to put others first. So often we find it hard to say no and choose ourselves, why is that? We're thinking it's because we give too much of a fuck about what others need and not enough of a fuck about OUR needs! Don't worry, here at CSWU we're ALL FOR making moves for the greater good, helping out a friend in need and being conscious of the collective. But not at the expense of yourself and your boundaries! Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup! We discuss times when we've been too keen to people please, stayed in our old stories or stayed in the boxes of others expectations and how it has been at times detrimental. Join us for our giggles and musings,  for what is gauranteed to be a one off episode from us! Don't forget to leave us your thoughts on apple podcasts! We love you all so much!

The CSWU Girls
